22 Benefits and uses of Plantain Herb

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No I’m not talking about Plantain Bananas here. I’m talking about Plantain the medicinal herb that most people call a “weed”. Plantain is another of my favorite herbs and the best thing about it is that it literally grows everywhere. Around here my whole backyard is full of Plantain, both Narrow Leaf and Broad Leaf. This amazing healing herb packs so many benefits and can be used internally or externally.
Broad Leaf Plantain (Plantago Major)

Narrow Leaf Plantain (Plantago Lanceolata

Most people recognize this herb as a weed and will do anything to not have it in their yards. I however love this herb and harvest it many times a year along with my other favorite herb, the Dandelion. Read here for more information on this pretty weed
Plantains have a very long history of being healing plants and food in many cultures around the world. Native Americans used plantain leaves to relieve the pain of bee stings and insect bites, stop the itching of poison ivy and other allergic rashes, and promote healing in sores and bruises. “Plantain has been used as a panacea in some Native American cultures and with some very good reasons. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxic. The leaves, shredded or chewed, are a traditional treatment for insect and animal bites and the antibacterial action helps prevent infection and the anti-inflammatory helps to relieve pain, burning, and itching. There is some investigation ongoing to study its affects on lowering blood sugar.
According to tradition Chinese medicine all parts of the plant are medicine to cool heat and promote urination, cause diuresis, clear damp-heat, brighten the eyes and dislodge phlegm. The leaves and the seeds have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitussive, cardiac, diuretic, expectorant, haemostatic efficacy. The roots can be made into a decoction to treat coughs.
Health Benefits of Plantain
Plantains have wide-ranging antimicrobial properties besides being anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It can not only soothe insect bites and superficial wounds but prevent infections and accelerate healing. An active biochemical aucubin is mainly responsible for the antimicrobial action of the herb. Another substance allantoin in the herb helps with skin tissue regeneration.
Plantains also have an astringent property that has a cleansing effect on the body. It helps dry up excess secretions in the respiratory tract and the digestive system, thus being useful in treating colds and diarrhea. The astringency is moderated by the demulcent effect of the mucilage in the herb, so this herbal remedy is much gentler than other commonly used astringents.
The edible leaves of broadleaf plantain are rich in calcium and other minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin K. This vitamin helps stem bleeding from cuts and wounds. Tender leaves can be eaten fresh in salads, but older leaves have to be cooked.
Keep reading for recipes for tinctures, teas, extracts and salves. Spoiler alert: you will find a delicious recipe for Plantation chips (a good substitute for Kale)
1. Curbs hunger and helps lose weight
Some people can lose weight fast with no help…but some of us have a harder time curbing our hunger and knocking off a few pounds. This herb is known to possess diuretic and detoxifying properties. It also has appetite suppressant properties, which helps in curbing hunger pangs to a great extent. Just ingest 3 grams (.10 oz or about 3/4 tsp) of this herb with 250 ml (1 cup) water half an hour before each meal, restricted to a maximum of three times a day and watch the weight melt away.
2. Sunburn
If you want fast pain relief and healing from a sunburn grab some Plantain leaves and make an infusion or tea and then spray it on the burnt skin or dab onto skin gently.
3. Boost Immunity
Due to Plantains antioxidant properties incorporating it into your diet everyday will help boost your immunity and fight off infections. Take a few leaves and add to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about 10 min. Add honey or another sweetener and drink. This is especially good if you feel like you’re coming down with a cold or flu
4. Wounds and bruises
You can chew or smash fresh plantain leaves to make a poultice and apply directly to wounds or bruises to promote healing and pain relief. The astringent properties will help pull out impurities. It also works well on rashes, abrasions and blisters
5. Heartburn and Indigestion
I suffer from this every day. Making a tea with fresh plantain leaves and a little honey helps alleviate the symptoms. You can add whatever sweetener you’d like. I personally use honey but I have tried Agave sweetener which I also use in my coffee. I use Madhava Organic Agave Five and love it! Best of all, it only has 5 calories and its organic!
6. Acne
You can treat inflammatory skin conditions like acne and rosacea by applying the herbal extract of plantain topically. It has a cooling effect on the skin. Along with reduction in inflammation, it also helps in preventing the area from any infections. It can also prevent scarring by promoting quick healing and regeneration of the skin cells.
7. Dandruff
Plantain has been touted as an effective remedy for dandruff and a flaky scalp. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of this herb shield your scalp from infections and offers relief. Make a plantain tea or tincture and apply to your scalp. Let it sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse out. You can also add some Apple Cider Vinegar for Shine.
8. Eases tough periods
Plantain is an effective antispasmodic, which enables it to be used during painful periods to ease menstrual cramps. One can also use plantain to stall heavy bleeding during periods.
9. Potential Anti-cancerous Properties
The anti-inflammatory nature of this herb is quite well known. This enables it to function as an anti-cancerous and anti-tumors agent too. It slows down and represses the growth of cancerous cells and tumors, thus being quite efficient in easing and preventing the spread of this malignant condition.
10. Bee stings and bug bites
Nobody likes to be stung by a bee but chewing the leaves of Plantain and putting this poultice on the sting will help relieve the pain. The leaves can be bitter at certain times of the year so if you don’t want to chew it smash it up and apply to the sting with some spit. You can also mix it up with some baking soda to make a paste. This also works well with mosquito bites or other bug bites.
11. Prevents bleeding
The styptic properties of this herb enable it to be used in cases of minor bleeding. Just chew the leaf or make a paste of it to be applied topically on the bleeding zone.
12. Natural Diuretic Properties
It is a natural cure for inflammatory conditions affecting the urinary bladder and kidneys. Being a natural diuretic and a demulcent, it enables frequent urination, thus eliminating the toxins from the kidneys and bladders. It is also effective in easing edema conditions in various health issues. It can also be used as an effective cure for bed wetting in babies.
13. Cures Respiratory Tract Disorders
The anti-inflammatory nature of this herb enables it to soothe the inflamed respiratory tracts and bronchial passages in events of cold, bronchitis, and flu. The active components of this healing herb are aucubin and tannins which are mucilages. They are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect of plantain and its expectorant action. The ideal dose is 1 tsp of the extract three times a day. A cup of plantain tea is known to soothe the irritated mucous membranes, offering relief from cold and cough.
14. Diarrhea
The astringent and cleansing effect of compounds in common plantain also helps resolve symptoms of diarrhea.
You can also use the dry seeds for diarrhea. Sprinkle them on bread with butter or other food. Dry seeds stretch out excess fluid in the intestines and compact the stools. In addition, they have a healing effect on the intestinal mucosa. Thus, for example, they can be used for diarrhea in Crohn’s disease. Consumption of plantain seed also provides relief for hemorrhoids – reduces pain and bleeding.
15. Constipation
Yes I just said that plantain seeds are good for diarrhea but they are also good for constipation. The method of administration is different for each. For constipation, let the seeds swell in the water (1-2 teaspoon in a glass of water), then drink (three times a day). The stool will then have a larger volume, will push more on the intestinal wall and trigger intestinal contractions (peristalsis). People then feel the urge to stool and emerge better. The stool is also slippery due to slime and passes through the intestine more easily. It is necessary to drink a lot to avoid blockage of the intestine.
16. Can be used as a dye
Plantain roots can be used to make a green or yellow-green dye. Use this to dye clothes, yarn and more
17. Protect the health and function of your Liver
The anti-inflammatory compounds in Plantago major (plantain) have many protective benefits for your liver. Lab tests have found that administering plantain extracts has many benefits as a liver tonic. Other studies involving rats found that plantain extracts may protect the liver from injury caused by painkillers.
The best way to help improve your liver function is to consume 1 or 2 glasses of plantain leaf tea every day. You could also make plantain leaf juice by putting fresh plantain leaves through a juicer, or by adding leaves to your smoothie to get plantain’s protective properties that way.
18. Dental Health
Keep those pearly whites in tip top shape with Plantain! Scientific studies indicate that using plantain leaf tea could help to promote good oral health. Some compounds in medicinal herbs such as plantain have antibacterial activity against plaque-forming bacteria. Plantain can help to reduce the number of tooth cavities due to its anti-bacterial effect.
You can also make a Plantain mouth rinse or gargle to help treat gum inflammation, toothache, and mouth ulcers. Swish plantain tea around your mouth for 1-2 minutes to help kill off bacteria before spitting out.
You can also use plantain tea as a gargle to help treat a sore throat. Add a few drops of Oregano Oil to the plantain gargle to help boost its antimicrobial power and reduce painful inflammation. Gargle for 30 seconds and spit out. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day to help eliminate throat infections.
I must WARN you though…I ran out of my bottle and can’t remember the brand but I would definitely recommend mixing the Oregano Oil with something because WOW is it STRONG! Like holy cow I’ll never do that again my life strong…and it didn’t taste good at all! Maybe different brands taste different? I don’t know but I’m just saying! I have heard really good things about Garden of Life mykind Oil of Oregano. I plan on making a purchase before winter is here. It is a good price with great reviews! The 1 fl oz. is only $10.50 and it has 200 servings! If you’ve tried this brand, please let me know how it is in the comments!
19. Kidney Stones
Apart from helping to improve kidney function, regularly drinking plantain tea could help prevent kidney stones from forming. To help flush out kidney stones and increase urine output, drink 1-2 glasses of plantain tea daily.
20. Parasite Infections
The results of some laboratory experiments have shown that plantain extracts could help get rid of parasites. One test in the lab showed that plantain extracts have anti-parasitic activity against the Giardia parasite. Plantain extracts are also used in traditional medicine for treating parasite infections.
21. Splinter Removal
Plantain leaf is also used for “drawing,” pulling out irritants like bee venom and helping to release splinters. A popular herb for what are called drawing salves, plantain can also work to draw out splinters by soaking the area in hot plantain tea with a tablespoon of salt.
22. Poison Ivy relief
An infusion or strong tea from Plantain Leaves works well to soothe the itch and rash from poison ivy, sumac etc. To make an even stronger remedy, steep fresh or dried plantain leaves in ACV (apple cider vinegar) for a few weeks and then strain. The infused vinegar will sooth itching, burning and pain on the skin very quickly and this will last you a long time!
Ways to eat Plantain

- Use the leaves to make a tea
- The seeds can be used for baking breads, muffins and crackers
- Use the young leaves in salads
- Use the larger leaves to make Plantain Chips, like you would for Kale
- Baked Plantain
- Smoothies